Communion with them is rare and the drops of their divinity lead to the Gold aura of a person. The Hindu Gods are often depicted with a Gold halo or strong Gold aura to signify supreme consciousness.

The tussle between the soul and the mind is best understood through a darker Gold aura. A lighter version may represent budding spirituality while a stronger Gold aura may represent a person who is still fighting the spirituality that his soul yearns for. This aura is often found on those who are spiritually inclined and are meditating to purge negative influences. Gold: This is the color of higher consciousness or higher self.Sparkling Silver aura means surrounded by spirits who are communicating on an everyday basis while a dull Silver may represent a person prone to psychic attacks. Mostly only Siddhas or Gurus or reincarnated people who mastered the power to communicate with the spirits or the ghosts have this color aura. Silver: It is one of the rarest of aura colors.Here are the major aura colors and their meanings: In fact, the light and dark version of one color may have an altogether meaning altogether. They just become what we have become or what we are.įor example, Red color aura can be mostly found in business class or those who are into material and physical pursuits more while Blue signifies a communicator, and Royal Blue signifies a passionate and powerful communicator who can move people through the power of speech. What my understanding is that the auras are a colorful announcement of one’s personality and they are not stagnant auras do change with experience or spirituality. Now, I do hate to burst anyone’s bubble but I did tell her that if the Pink in the aura is too light then it may represent non-serious attitude and childishness as well. I now know why I have so many friends who come to me for advice, announced my chirpy friend. My aura is Pink it is the aura that stands out for its healing effect. Anyone who can read auras will know what the other person is going through. Auras tell us about our personality traits and the good and the bad and the ugly stage of the thoughts we carry.

Our auras often represent more than we know or would like others to know.